FAITH it till you make it!

by - May 22, 2018

Has there ever been anything in your life that you've wanted so bad, but have no idea in the world how you're going to get it? A job, a dream, a relationship, a business... etc. Literally ANYTHING. I've been there several times in my 26 years. I've always wanted to sing. I used to dream about singing on big stages in front of millions of people, yet as the years went by, I never got the platform that I dreamed of. Yea, I went to the American idol auditions, Americas got talent, wrote my own music, recorded a few songs in the studio, created my Youtube channel, even had a few videos go semi-viral on social media, but still I feel unaccomplished, I had to really sit back and reflect. "What is it that I'm doing wrong?" There were so many what ifs. Becoming a mother at 18 while in college, not finishing things that I started years ago, and always making successful promises to myself that I never kept throughout the years. What I realized was that most of the closed doors were only closed because of fear. How can you fear when you have so much faith? My faith was always conditional. WHOOOOO!! Take that in! I know I'm not the only one.

Lets talk conditional faith! Its easy to have faith in your success when you start seeing the success. That part is so simple. You're already seeing the harvest of the seeds that you've planted. There are other times, however, when things don't go as planned. You're doing everything by the book; taking notes and following every single one of them. So, why isn't there any benefits of the faith seeds you've been planting? Because your faith is conditional. You start operating in fear the very moment you don't see enough blessing. As the years go by, there is no harvest because you haven't even planted anymore faith seeds nor have you watered the seeds you've already planted.

FAITH IT TILLYOU MAKE IT! Even when you cant see it, believe it! Stop fearing rejection. No more being afraid of closed doors! "Everything you want is on the other side of fear." Once you cross that fear barrier , you can get to everything you've been dreaming of !

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